
Clarity. Impact. Power. Volume. Detail. If these are attributes you want emphasized in your music, mastering is the answer. Simply, mastering is the process that sonically maximizes balance, volume and musicality, turning finished audio mixes into a polished, professional sound that will bring out everything possible from the music you worked so hard to create.

The Playground gives artists at every stage of development access to world-class mastering. Our goal is to elevate the standards for recorded sound, and our reputation is built on delivering results to our clients. Keith Cleversley has 20 years of live sound experience that he brings with him into the studio and into the masters he creates to give you something powerful and uniquely detailed, often making masters better than you imagined.

Visit WavefrontMastering for affordable mastering, as well as a detailed Mastering FAQ, and a unique 100% online mastering experience that means you never have to leave the comfort of your home to get world-class mastering.